Why Hard Doesn't Mean Wrong

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Hey there,

Just stepped out of the shower, mind buzzing with thoughts. Ever have those moments where clarity hits you amidst the steam and water? I had to share this one with you.

There's a saying in spiritual and manifestation circles that if something is meant to be, it'll be easy. I'm here to challenge that. Changing old patterns feels tough because our brains are wired to keep us in the familiar zone. It's protective, but it can also hold us back from chasing our dreams.

Take it from me and the early days of Becca Rose. Opening the store was anything but easy. There were days filled with doubt and tears, wondering if I'd made a massive mistake. But here's the thing: the struggle wasn't a sign to stop; it was a part of the process. Our dreams are meant to transform us, to grow us into people who can truly live those dreams.

So, if you're in the thick of it, feeling like maybe your path isn't meant to be because it's hard, I'm asking you to pause. Reflect. Is this challenge shaping you, pushing you to grow? If yes, then maybe it's exactly where you need to be.

I shared more about this in a recent video, touching on how we navigate decisions and the societal structures around us. It's worth a watch, whether you're running a business or just navigating life's big decisions.

Remember, feeling it's hard doesn't mean it's not right. It's just part of the journey to a different, more aligned life.

Thanks for letting me share this post-shower insight. Here's to embracing the hard, the transformation, and the growth.

Blessed be,

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